Avoiding Medicare Scams

Avoiding Medicare Scams

By far the largest types of insurance fraud are scams against government and private health care insurers. Scammers frequently target government insurance like Medicare by stealing newly issued medical ID cards and then stealing identities. The Coalition Against...
Navy Veterans Win an Important Fight in Court

Navy Veterans Win an Important Fight in Court

During the Vietnam War (1962-1975) the United States military, as well as the Republic of Vietnam, used defoliants for tactical purposes to reduce cover for enemy forces, improve perimeter visibility of military installations and even to kill enemy food crops. Agent...
How to Plan for Children with Special Needs

How to Plan for Children with Special Needs

Estate planning requires specialized planning when you have a child with special needs. Looking to the future as to how your child will be able to function in the world as they age is particularly tricky to assess. What is the child’s long term prognosis and what type...
How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help Me?

How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help Me?

An elder law attorney is an attorney who specializes not on a specific area of the law, but on the legal needs of elderly people, veterans, and adults with special needs. Elder law is a specialization that has only been around for about twenty-five years and was born...